The Love and Labor of Hawksbill Turtle Conservation

The Love and Labor of Hawksbill Turtle Conservation

High tide, low tide, day or night, ProCosta works relentlessly to protect hawksbill turtles alongside local fishing communities in El Salvador. The country hosts approximately 45% of all hawksbill nesting activity in the eastern Pacific region. Independent...
Germinating Seeds for Reforestation

Germinating Seeds for Reforestation

A Diverse Landscape Under Threat Kahuzi-Biega National Park is home to exceptional biodiversity that makes it one of the most important sites in the Albertine Rift, which itself is one of the richest ecologically diverse regions in Africa. At 6,000 km2, Kahuzi-Biega...
Learning about Grauer’s Gorillas

Learning about Grauer’s Gorillas

Less is known about Grauer’s gorillas compared to mountain gorillas, whose population has doubled over the past three decades through collaborative conservation efforts of governments, local communities and international conservation partners, including Wild Earth...