
Reflecting on Decades of Community-Based Conservation

Reflecting on Decades of Community-Based Conservation

In April 2024, Wild Earth Allies welcomed colleagues from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda to the U.S. Our long-standing collaborations with Augustin K. Basabose, Ph.D., Michael Baraka, Eugène Rutagarama, and Joelle Rutagarama reflect decades of gorilla conservation work.

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2024 Progress Report: Growing Our Global Impact, Together

2024 Progress Report: Growing Our Global Impact, Together

Together with our teams and partners, Wild Earth Allies is deepening our work in key land and seascapes—4 million acres and counting—and expanding to new field sites where the opportunity for meaningful change for wildlife and local communities is greatest.

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First Confirmation of Endangered Banteng in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains

First Confirmation of Endangered Banteng in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains

Wild Earth Allies is thrilled to share the first confirmed sighting of endangered banteng in the Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary of western Cambodia. While documented reports of footprints, dung, and sightings exist, recent camera trap footage filmed by our team offers the first undeniable evidence of banteng presence in the area.

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Community-Based Blue Monkey Conservation on Idjwi Island

Community-Based Blue Monkey Conservation on Idjwi Island

Idjwi Island is a rich ecosystem in Lake Kivu and part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Widespread deforestation on the island in the 1990s devastated local wildlife populations, including a rare sub-species of blue monkey. For many years, conservationists believed the sub-species was extinct until Wild Earth Allies’ partner Dr. Augustin K. Basabose rediscovered blue monkeys on Idjwi.

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Boosting Livelihoods in the DRC to Strengthen Grauer’s Gorilla Conservation

Boosting Livelihoods in the DRC to Strengthen Grauer’s Gorilla Conservation

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kahuzi-Biega National Park and its surrounding areas hold a wealth of natural resources. Despite this natural wealth, many residents near the park live in extreme poverty. With our partner Primate Expertise, Wild Earth Allies reaches 13 villages in the area with vital livelihood support.

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New Gorilla Group Habituated in the DRC

New Gorilla Group Habituated in the DRC

In the DRC, gorilla tourism provides essential revenue for parks, communities, and conservation efforts. Our partner Primate Expertise recently habituated a new family group of Grauer’s gorillas in Kahuzi-Biega National Park. Following two years of strong work by the habituation team, the Mpungwe gorilla group is ready to receive tourists.

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