Mar 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Bald Hills savannas of the north-central Maya Mountains transition to pine-oak forests to broadleaved rainforests, resulting in a rich array of tree species across the landscape. Learn more about the ecological principles that explain these transitions in our...
Jan 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Bald Hills of the north-central Maya Mountains in Belize are sometimes viewed as a mystery. Their high-elevation features are nearly treeless, yet the adjacent hills are covered by pine-oak forests surrounded by broadleaved rainforests. The Bald Hills are uniquely...
Nov 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
Two years ago, we launched a new chapter under the name Wild Earth Allies to signify a renewed vision of wildlife flourishing in healthy ecosystems that sustain us all. Since then, we have accelerated conservation in our key program areas including: Placing more than...
Nov 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
Belize is growing and modernizing quickly, and threats to its trees and forests are intensifying. Botanical knowledge, however, makes management and protection efforts more effective. We are taking steps to protect Belize’s more than 1,100 tree species by developing a...
Aug 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Some tree discoveries happen because of the curiosity and astute observations of nonbotanists. In 2015, at Las Cuevas Research Station in the Chiquibul forest of Belize, an unusual trapdoor spider was discovered by arachnologist Dr. Aimée K. Thomas, of Loyola...