Environment Education Programs in Siem Bouk, Cambodia

Environment Education Programs in Siem Bouk, Cambodia

Environmental education is an essential part of our Asian elephant conservation program in Cambodia’s Prey Lang forest. We regularly share information from wildlife monitoring with key community stakeholders, which includes young people, to promote forest...
Protecting Prey Lang Forest with Indigenous Kuy Partners

Protecting Prey Lang Forest with Indigenous Kuy Partners

Wild Earth Allies works closely with the indigenous Kuy community who have long been stewards of Cambodia’s Prey Lang Forest. The Kuy people, original inhabitants of this area, still depend on the forest for their primary livelihoods. Prey Lang forest is also home to...
Wildlife Monitoring in Prey Lang Forest

Wildlife Monitoring in Prey Lang Forest

An important element of our Cambodia team’s conservation work in Prey Lang forest is the installation of camera traps to monitor threatened wildlife species such as the Asian elephant. Prey Lang forest is one of the largest remaining lowland evergreen forests in the...
Tree Species of the Bald Hills Landscape

Tree Species of the Bald Hills Landscape

The Bald Hills savannas of the north-central Maya Mountains transition to pine-oak forests to broadleaved rainforests, resulting in a rich array of tree species across the landscape. Learn more about the ecological principles that explain these transitions in our...